tinyBrd – getting stuff installed
This post is part of bigger series. You can get all tinyBrd related information here.
Before You do any work with tinyBrd You have to install required libraries. We have prepared instruction how to do it.
This tutorial was tested against Arduino IDE 1.6.7 from Arduino.cc and we assume You are using this version. To program tinyBrd You need some kind of ISP programmer, we recommend easy to use USBasp
Getting info
First You need to know, where You have to install our code. Locate folder with Your sketches – check Arduino IDE preferences (Ctr+,).
In this example it is /home/seba/sketchbook15
. In this folder create (if it doesen’t exists yet) folder hardware
. Then get our Nettigo tinyBrd Core http://static.nettigo.pl/tinyBrdCore-current.zip and unzip it. Restart Arduino IDE and in menu Tools/Boards
You should see new entries. Choose Attiny84 @ 8 Mhz.
Now, open example File/Examples/01. Basics/Blink
and change LED pin from 13 to 0. Upload example to tinyBrd (if You have USBAsp just connect it and upload from IDE as usual). You can test with multimeter or LED connected to D0 that Blink is working.
We have prepared some examples, You can download it from http://static.nettigo.pl/tinyBrdExamples-v1.0.zip Unpack it to Your sketchbook folder.
All of them, in most current version You can get from GitHub: https://github.com/nettigo/tinybrd-examples
Raspberry PI
tinyBrd is meant to communicated with some central node. Raspberry PI is great for that! We have created Python library to get NRF24L01 going.
We assume You are using our NRF Hat to connect modem NRF24L01 to Your Raspberry.
You have to install pip
for Python3 if You don’t have it on Raspberry:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Now just install our library directly from GitHub:
sudo pip-3.2 install git+https://github.com/nettigo/pyNRF.git
NRF uses SPI protocol, which is not enabled by default on Raspberry, run sudo raspi-config
choose option Advanced config
next A6 SPI
and answer yes to next questions. Now reboot Raspberry, it is ready to work.
Revision history (this article and core versions):
- 12-09-2015 – initial version
- 30-12-2015 – core updated to work with Arduino IDE 1.6.7
- 4-02-2016 – v1.1b – lower current consumption – only 4-5 µA in sleep mode
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