Arduino and time, or DS1307
Arduino hasn’t internal clock. It means some operations connected with time (delaying for specified interval) are possible, but date and
Continue readingLearning Arduino
Arduino hasn’t internal clock. It means some operations connected with time (delaying for specified interval) are possible, but date and
Continue readingIf you visit this blog and you have an Arduino, you probably dreamed about building your own robot. The simplest
Continue readingArduino’s eye – sounds like a quote from J.R.R. Tolkien, while it’s about connecting photoresistor to Arduino. With this article
Continue readingRecently there was silence on Starter Kit, because before holidays I was preparing to Bootstrap 9.4, what took most of
Continue readingOne of the sensors included in Arduino Starter Kit is a temperature sensor. It’s analog device which doesn’t need any
Continue readingI was inspired by a simple DIY game seen on the web (I can’t find the link now) and despite
Continue readingSooner or later in experiments with Arduino we will want to drive some kind of device, which needs more than
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