Back in time, for many of us…

First, we are bringing back posts with some interesting projects found on internet. Won’t be much and (of course) we will try to be close to our interests. So DIY, electronics, programming, etc.
Leaving that aside – let me show You 8051 UNO board :) Intel 8051 family was for many of us first µc used. So, for those feeling nostalgic – on Hackaday you can find project using current 8051 implementation (Microchip’s AT89S52-24PU) and placing it on UNO format PCB (beware, PCB has just UNO format connectors are different).
Does it make sense? I don’t know. Note – I see that project is sponsored by PCB fabrication company, so maybe that is real reason, not usefulness of it. Any way, a bit interesting, even if I don’t plan to go back to 8051…