Using tinyBrd library on Arduino to connect via NRF24L01

Our tinyBrd has very simple and easy to use interface for NRF24L01 radio. This library was bundled with Nettigo tinyBrd Core, add-on for Arduino IDE to program tinyBrd. Now we have extracted it as standalone and can be used on Arduino UNO and other boards.

Changes are minor, since we need to remove name conflict with bundled Radio library. Arduino IDE library manager was taking our Radio library as library for FM chips. So let us introduce RadioNRF24 library. With library name change we have changed main object name so all old examples are valid, just use new object name:

  RadioNRF24.begin(address, 100);

There is no other changes. With UNO You have use different begin form:

  RadioNRF24.begin(address, 100, 8, 7);

On tinyBrd CSN i CE are fixed so there is no need to give them in initalizer. That is not true with UNO, so in former example 8 is CSN pin and 7 i CE pin. Exactly as it is shown on following diagram – how to connect NRF24L01 to Arduino.

Connecting nRF24L01 and Arduino
Connecting nRF24L01 and Arduino

Library is for now available only on GitHub:

We will prepare more easy to use form as .zip file. Also – there are some examples as  gists: Remember – as for today library bundled in tinyBd Core is still using  Radio name, so all code on tinyBrd should use Radio.begin and similar. On UNO use RadioNRF24. In future, we will update tinyBrd Core to use RadioNRF24 name.